open life blog

Vi ska ba bad bastu


He byri va dags no
Ba ti glöm allt som harmar
Jär bliir e varmt från ben ti armar
Sess ner på bänkan tå höödu

(Oh, eh-oh, eh-oh) Veedin våår värmer lika bra
(Oh, eh-oh, eh-oh) Som tango me Arja Saijonmaa
Yksi, kaksi, kolme, sauna

Vi ska Ba bad bastu, bastu, ångon åpp och släpp all stress idaa
Bastubröder he e vi som glöder, hundra grader, nå jaa
Vi ska Ba bad bastu, bastu, kast löyly no så sveittin bara yr
Oh, bada bastu, joo

I wouldn't use an iPhone if my life depended on it...

...or, on second thought, maybe I would

(Previous blog post on coping with Parkinson)

"This is a bit ironic", I told my "Stimulator specialist nurse" as he was instructing me how to use this new device, that just made me 5 years younger and maybe extended my life with 20+ years.

"I'm a world famous Linux and open source enthusiast, and now you're giving me an iPhone-only app that I must use or I'll die..."

Accord in plain English (without greek letter notation)

This is just a "note to self" or cheatsheet...

I'm working on the new distributed consensus algorithm about to appear in Cassandra 5.0. I see that I frequently lose momentum when I have to resort to the formal definition of the algorithm. Because I was never good at reading mathematical notation with a lot of greek letters...

So, let's translate the greek letters to English words:

Sakta vi gå genom stan

There's a Swedish jazz sång, originally performed by Monica Zetterlund, that I find beautiful.

Sakta vi gå genom stan. (Beppe Wolgers, Roy Turk and Fred E. Ahlert, 1961)

The song is about a couple walking home, through the streets of Stockholm, in a bright summer night.

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