
impress.js 1.0 is released!

I have released impress.js v1.0. Impress.js is a framework for creating awesome 3D presentations with standard HTML5 and CSS. (Similar to Prezi + 3D and open source.)

From the release notes:

  • New plugin based architecture allows adding more features without bloating core src/impress.js file
  • Source files are in src/ and compiled into js/impress.js with npm run build. End users should continue to use js/impress.js as before.
  • 19 new plugins
  • Integrates impressConsole.js by default (press 'P' to open speaker console)
  • Markdown support for those that are too much in a hurry to type HTML
A MEAN Hackathon hingo Mon, 2014-08-18 21:03

I'm preparing to do some simple MongoDB hackathons in Scandinavia, and because I don't want to forget how to do all the steps, I actually wrote down an example exercise.

This is a simple and fun exercise just to get some data into MongoDB and then get it out again. We're going to use some awesome JavaScript tools for the out part: Node.js and Crest for a simple HTTP API, and Angular.js to draw the pretty pictures. So this is not just a MongoDB hackathon but more like a fullstack JavaScript or MEAN hackathon. (Strictly speaking there's no Express.js, so maybe this is a NMCA hackathon?)

Install MongoDB

The usual apt, yum and brew methods will work for this tutorial.

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