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The making of www.openlife.cc (with Drupal)

In the second part of this "The making of..." series, I will tell a little about setting up www.openlife.cc with Drupal.

The domain name

Already when I was publishing the Finnish book I prepared for an eventual translation and had in mind the name "Open Life". Unfortunately, domain names like openlife.org, openlife.info and openlife.net were already registered then, although none of those had functioning websites. I believe openlife.com might had been free, but even so, a .com name didn't feel appropriate. So instead of paying hundreds of dollars to transfer those to me, I did a trick I've used earlier too, I added a dash and registered open-life.org instead.

Tipping now works

I was notified that the PayPal links on the Tipping page did not work. I think the problem was related to something Drupal (the content management system on this site) does to the code I pasted from PayPal. When I changed to a content type where Drupal does no transformations, it started working.

Ugly green

Uh oh. Finalizing always takes time. I thought once Sara had the book translated, the editor would just need a couple of days to finish it. Wrong. Who would've guessed, an editor actually does some real work on the book! Helen was a very good editor. Usually I just get angry when an editor points out all unclear or outright bad parts of my masterpiece, but with Helen we got along quite nicely.

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