Sun - MySQL Tour comes to Helsinki Open Tuesday on May 6th

I'm hosting a MySQL Tour event in Helsinki, probably this is the last stop on the tour so it will end in the same city where MySQL got started. If you are nearby, please pop in!


MySQL Tour visits Open Tuesday in Helsinki May 6th

This winter we haven't had as many Open Tuesday meetings as we had last year,
but we will finish off the season with meeting Sun and MySQL on May 6th at
18:00, in the usual place Club Ahjo, Bulevardi 4, Helsinki.

In celebration of Sun acquiring MySQL AB, Sun is organising a worldwide MySQL
Meetup Mashup Tour. The Helsinki meetup is part of the traditional Open
Tuesday meetings and is the last stop on this tour. Helsinki is where the
first lines of MySQL code got written and we will meet and talk with
co-founder Mikael "Monty" Widenius and other long time MySQL'rs about the
journey that led up to the biggest Open Source acquisition in history ($1bn).

Come to Club Ahjo on the first Tuesday in May to meet with MySQL and Sun. Sun
is sponsoring the open bar and rumor has it there might also be some t-shirts
or other swag for those who arrive early.

More info
Henrik Ingo, hingo [at]

Sun MySQL Meetup Mashup Tour

Open Tuesday

MySQL Tour kick-off event

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