Reactions on Oracle acquisition

Having read a weeks worth of reactions to MySQL ending up at Oracle, I just want to say that by far the aptest1 commentary goes to Chris Powers from the Falcon team. A picture indeed says more than 1k words:
Falcon team poses for the last supper

Now I know it is not the apocalypse and we probably won't be crucified either. But I do sympathise with the Falcon team, their reason of existence certainly is put more into question than us in general.

The prize to the most astonishing prediction goes to John Dvorak, writing in January 2008:

I'm close to being convinced that Oracle wanted to buy MySQL to kill the product, but knew that it couldn't pull off the stunt itself. It would be too obvious, especially to European Union regulators. So it sent in a stooge to do the job.

The two companies, Sun and Oracle, have been strategic partners for years. On top of that, Sun cannot actually afford to spend a $1 billion on a company producing a mere $60 million in revenue and working outside its core competencies.

So who can afford it? Oracle, that's who. This deal stinks from top to bottom.

I'm all for conspiracy theories, but can't say I would have agreed with that one a year ago. When a prediction is right, it's right, well done Mr Dvorak.

My collague offered a transcription of how it actually happened:

Buddies Scott & Larry in front of a glass of wine (after some of them...) in 2007

Scott: Larry, we are fucked, why you don't buy us?
Larry: shit, you are too expensive!
Scott: What can I do to convince you,? please!
Larry: mmmhh... add MySQL to the package

Personally, I finished of the MySQL User Conference by driving to the beach. This was the first time that I saw the Pacific Ocean, so of course I had to take a dip:

Pacific Ocean, waves, my ass

It was an amazing experience to be grabbed by those big waves. The Atlantic waves are nothing in comparison.

Ending a crazy week standing in the waves of the Pacific, reminded me of a movie Le Grand Bleu I once saw.

(Spoiler alert!)

It tells the story of a free diving champion, who feels happy when diving deep into the sea, yet has issues with his life on land. The movie ends with his final dive, when a dolphin he has befriended comes to meet him at the bottom of his dive, and instead of turning and going back up, he lets go of the rope and joins his friend the dolphin instead.

Nono, I did not kill myself, I'm here writing this blog aren't I. And while that's probably what happens if you dive really deep and decide to stay there, that's not really how the movie depicts the diver either. In the movie he is not really committing suicide, rather he is just following his strong urge to swim freely in the ocean, with his dolphin friend. I could understand him right there.

  • 1is that a word?
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