Cloning myself (at work)

I just wanted to post this note so there is no confusion or rumors popping up: In a recent meeting at Monty Program we concluded that with the recent additions to the community and engineering teams, the team is now in excellent shape, except for one thing: we have bottlenecks on the top. As a solution we've decided to split my current job in 2 parts:

COO: in charge of company operations and routines, who most will report to

VP of Community and Business development: will be a more "project oriented" role taking care of ad hoc things that need to get done. (Such as, setting up ODBA, arm wrestling with Oracle, productizing our offerings, developing also internal processes, etc...)

...the discussion led to a thinking that I will keep the second half, which I also personally prefer because the description contains the word "ad hoc" and not "routines" :-)

Hence we have today posted as open the position for a Chief Operating Officer at Monty Program. The motive for this blog post is just to answer the question "but don't you already have a Chief Operating Officer?".

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