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As a few LinkedIn friends already noticed, I have started working together with the Galera team at Codership. It is a part time "advisor" position and I still continue my full time work at Nokia, supporting various databases behind the new portal.

We get a lot of requests for more blogs and better documentation to explain in-depth how Galera work. That's an area I will work on a lot. The first "deliverable" is out today: the first Galera white paper.

As you know, I have been a fanatic early adopter of Galera for a year now and have been an advocate of this new technology. My motivation has been to contribute to MySQL by pushing this innovative new HA solution. As always, my motivation of course also was to educate myself about Galera by way of the public dialogue. In the future I will probably move a lot of the Galera related blogging to the official Codership blog so if you've enjoyed my Galera blogs on, make sure you follow the feed from there.

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