open life blog

Analyst reports on database market share in SMB segment? Anyone?

Has anyone read the report Microsoft, IBM and Oracle Lead the SMB and Mid-Market Database Segment - Yankee Group - 7/31/2006 - 5 Pages - ID: YANL1327246?

Paying 800USD just to know the percentages of each database is a bit expensive for my small startup budget, especially since it is not me who needs the information.

EU looks deeper into MySQL competing with Oracle

We started hearing rumours yesterday, and today we see they were true:

“The commission has to examine very carefully the effects on competition in Europe when the world’s leading proprietary database company proposes to take over the world’s leading open source database company,” said Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes in the statement.


MariaDB release plan and other news from MP company meeting

Last week we ended the first Monty Program Ab company meeting in Mallorca, Spain. Even if many of us have met before, there are a couple who had not met everyone before and it was great to be together. Even for myself, since I was in the Sales org at MySQL and Sun, I wasn't that close with all the oldtime developers, so it was great to finally spend several days with them.

Since it was the first meeting both for the company and MariaDB project, we spent a lot of time on the "vision, strategy" excercises. Btw, for future MariaDB meetings we will in the future always invite all the Maria Captains and other community members, it is not intended to be a meeting of one company at all. For this meeting, we had 3 non-employees present and they gave valuable input, so it already works, even if we will do more of it in the future.

MariaDB, ODBA and MP at #OSCon

We've been mingling here for 4 days already, but today the official part of OSCon kicks off. At Monty Program we've been a bit late in preparing for this conference - busy getting started with the company and everything. But even if we were a bit late, we succeeded in lining up a good set of sessions.

Odbaårg: What's in a logo (inspired by the ODBA logo) #cls

First day at the Community Leadership Summit. Kurt will blog about our being here separately soon. I just wanted to say this quickly tossed together unconference is a huge success, with a lot of the Community leaders and intelligenzia present and networking. We get all the time questions about what is happening with MySQL, so even though we hadn't planned to, we did a session What's up with MySQL where we tried to explain our plans for the MariaDB community and Open Database Alliance, but also as objectively as possible answer any questions that came up. (The unconference rules strictly prohibit promoting any company, which Monty Program of course goes out of it's way to obey.)

Oh, if you're in the Bay area, definitively should consider coming for the second day of this free conference.

Anyway, I'm wearing the new Open Database Alliance T-shirts Kurt had made. This reminded me that I wanted for a long time blog about the logo (which I had no part in making):

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