I will be meeting Monty on this Friday (March 20th), in fact we will celebrate the start of his new company Monty Program Ab. (For the avoidance of doubt: No, I'm not joining it, I just happen to live nearby.)
I decided Monty leaving "MySQL Ab" at least deserves to be considered some kind of a milestone. After all, MySQL is the database that propelled the web to what it is today. When you think back 10+ years, there must be many memorable moments you have experienced with MySQL.
This is what I want to do: This page will be dedicated to Monty - consider it a monument to the father of MySQL. Please use the comment form below and write something nice, personal and MySQL related. How did you first start using MySQL? Or what was your most weird and exciting experience with MySQL? What do you do with MySQL? Do you earn a living using it? Maybe you are one of those people who can write a poem in SQL?
I have allowed img and a tags in the comments, so you can include an appropriate image, or even link to your first mysqldump for all I know. But you cannot upload files here, you have to put images/files on your own site or use a service like Flickr.
The page will be donated to Monty on March 20th, and comments will be open until April 20th. UPDATE: Spammers seem to have found this site now, it gets dozens of spam comments each day. The anonymous commenting possibility has now been closed. If you want to add your own story you'll have to register, or you can email me at henrik.ingo [at] avoinelama.fi and I'll copy paste it here for you.
This is a tribute created collaboratively to honor and thank the father of MySQL, Michael Monty Widenius. It exists on the World Wide Web and is stored in a MySQL database.
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