This space is reserved for the collaborative online edition of Open Life. All logged in users are welcomed to edit or write text in this book.
How to contribute
I'm glad that somebody has already asked how he could contribute to the collaborative version of Open Life. We came to the conclusion that the collaborative edition will be a completely new book, written in collaboration by all of us who want to be a part of it. The new book will be called "Open Life 2.0" as a working title. The "old book" will be referred to as "Open Life 1.0"
- If you want to update or add new information to Open Life 1.0, please add comments to the relevant section in the online version. For updates you can use the "Where are they now" style of writing that I've already used in a couple of chapters.
- If you want to participate in Open Life 2.0, you can do that here. The exciting thing is that nobody knows yet exactly what Open Life 2.0 will be about, so I cannot tell you exactly what to write about. But it seems that one thing to start is just to start somewhere. For instance you could
- Write about something very personal: How you started using Linux, or how you published some music under a Creative Commons license.
- Write about how you run your Open Source business or how Linux is used in your school or a similar topic.
- Write about something Open Source or Creative Commons related in your country. It would be interesting to get reports about Open Source from all over the world, especially Spain, Latin America and Africa where exciting things are happening but seldom heard of. YOU are the right person to write about such things, as I have never been in your country!
Summarising the above, let's adopt "Open Life 2.0: Open Source Around the World" as some kind of guiding working title for the 2.0 book. Start writing, see where it goes.
If you are not in a hurry, please also read the Writing Style article below, this way our collaborative effort will be more cohesive.
And remember: enjoy your creativity!
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